Getting Started

So, you’ve just received your real estate license and are wondering, now what? Welcome to the industry! In a nutshell, here’s what you can typically expect:

You’re usually not an employee of the broker you work for, but an independent contractor working on behalf of the company. You are provided with many benefits through your association with a broker. The Local Realty™ provides comprehensive support that encompasses a wide breadth of marketing resources, training and the partnership that comes through association with an established and respected company.

In the early part of your career, many “leads” for potential home buyers or sellers may be generated by the broker for you to follow up on. You may also be responsible for “floor time,” in which you are on call at the real estate office to assist walk-in customers. As you gain experience and a wider circle of contacts, you will generate and manage many leads of your own.

Your initial job is to respond quickly and clearly to the needs of these potential customers, and to demonstrate the capability of your company and yourself to represent them. If they agree to work with you, you represent them as either the buyer or a seller in the purchase of a home.

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