Real Estate as a Second Career

A second career in real estate can provide an active, enjoyable lifestyle, and a unique opportunity to continue to learn and grow and remain socially connected. And as many real estate agents can attest, it can also create a lucrative supplement to retirement income. Working as an agent also offers the ability to generally set your own schedules, and the freedom to work from virtually anywhere you wish. Real estate is an equal opportunity career, based upon your ability to succeed in serving home buyers and sellers. Age is no barrier – in fact, many real estate agents will tell you that it’s often an asset.

Your Life Experience Pays Off

Some of the highest producers at our company are older sales professionals who have years of work experience outside the real estate industry. Even if you have no previous real estate training or experience, you have valuable life experience, a wide circle of contacts and usually, the experience of buying and selling several homes. This can be a major asset in understanding the needs of customers, and getting quickly up to speed in your real estate career.

Stay Involved, Stay Independent

Earning a real estate license is well worth the time, and it is surprisingly affordable. Once you’ve become an agent, you’ll find that unlike being cooped up at a desk or working behind a retail counter day after day, real estate offers flexibility and personal freedom. And, real estate provides a channel for staying involved, and building contacts and friendships in your community.

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